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Calendar integrations
Integrate your calendars to automate your availability. We don't limit yout calendar connections in any plan. You can connect multiple different calendars and select the ones you want to use for particular meeting type. We will two-way sync your calendars with Zencal and with Google and Outlook we will automatically create links for Google Meet and Microsoft Teams for your meetings.
Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, iCloud Calendar
Google Calendar
If you have a Google calendar then you can integrate it with Zencal to synchronize your availability and use Google Meet as a meeting place.
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Outlook Calendar
Using Outlook Calendar, you can synchronize your private availability with Zencal and use Skype or Microsoft Teams platforms as a meeting place.
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iCloud Calendar
If you use iCloud Calendar, then you can integrate it with Zencal so that we know when you are unavailable. That way your appointments will never overlap.
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Payments integrations
Enable integration with a payment gateway to start selling paid meetings, classes and appointments. This is where Zencal shines as it allows you to sell meetings in subscriptions, bundles and integrates with great tools for better conversions.
Stripe, P24, PayU, PayPal, tPay, easy_
Enable integration with Stripe so that you can start selling paid meetings, classes and appointments. This will also allow you to sell subscriptions and bundles for meetings.
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If you have an account with Przelewy24, you can integrate it with Zencal to start selling paid appointments. It's a popular provider for payments in Poland.
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PayU lets you sell one-off meetings but not bundles and subscription. If you have an account with PayU, you can integrate it with Zencal to start selling paid meetings.
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Integrate PayPal for one-off meetings purchases. If you have an account with PayPal, you can integrate it with Zencal to start selling paid appointments.
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tPay lets you sell one-off meetings but not bundles and subscription. If you have an account with tPay, you can integrate it with Zencal to start selling paid meetings.
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easy_ is a Stripe-based checkout that gives you the most options for selling meetings, offering great UX and conversion. Sell one-offs, bundles, subscriptions, run promotions & much more.
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Video apps integrations
Host online meetings using your favourite platform. Connect calendars and we will automatically enable Google Meet, MS Teams and Skype that you can select as a destination for your meeting topics. Zencal will generate the link to the meeeting and send it over to participants.
Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Microsoft Teams, iCloud Calendar
Enable integrations with Zoom to allow Zencal to create meeting links that we will then send to meeting participants. Zoom is one of the best tools out there to host video meetings and offers many options.
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Google Meet
All you need to do is to enable Google Calendar integrations. Once the integration is enabled, meeting links will be generated automatically and will be sent to meeting participants.
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All you need to do is enable Outlook Calendar integration. If your Outlook account settings allow you to create Skype meetings, Zencal will automatically create a meeting link.
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Microsoft Teams
Meeting on Microsoft Teams? Sure. All you need to do is enable Outlook calendar integration. If your Outlook account settings allow you to create Skype meetings, Zencal will automatically create a meeting link and send it to meeting participants.
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iCloud Calendar
Connect your Apple iCloud calendars to Zencal and enjoy the two-way integration. We will respect your iCloud events and make them unavailable to book in Zencal as well as put all the Zencal bookings in your calendar. You can connect as many as you like and choose which ones to use for each topic.
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CRM integrations
Let Zencal be part of your sales process. Connect to most popular tools to get better understanding of your leads, track customers, their spending and much more.
Hubspot, Woodpecker, SalesForce
Enable the HubSpot integration and Zencal will automatically add scheduled appointment information to the lead. If the client is not yet in your client list in HubSpot it will be automatically created.
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Integrate your Woodpecker account to automatically flag prospects who schedule an appointment with you. Once a prospect has been tagged, they will no longer receive messages scheduled in your Woodpecker email process.
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SalesForce integration is now being tested by early users and will be soon available to all Zencal acoounts. Thanks for your patience.
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Automation integrations
More integration, means more opportunities for you and your business. Use our built-in webhook feature and tools like and Zapier for accessing thousands of apps we currently don't support natively.
Webhooks, Zapier, Make
Using our webhook feature you can connect Zencal to your app or use Zapier or for connecting it to multiple apps you use, receive and send custom notifications and much more!
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Zapier integration is now being tested by early users and will be soon available to all Zencal acoounts. Thanks for your patience.
Use this integration integration is now being tested by early users and will be soon available to all Zencal acoounts. Thanks for your patience.
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Accounting integrations
More integration, means more opportunities for you and your business. Use our built-in webhook feature and tools like and Zapier for accessing thousands of apps we currently don't support natively.
Xero, iFirma, inFakt, Fakturownia
Xero integration is now being tested by early users and will be soon available to all Zencal acoounts. Thanks for your patience.
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Enable integration with iFirma accounting system to invoice sold appointments automatically when payment from the client is booked.
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Enable integration with the inFakt accounting system to invoice sold appointments automatically when payment from the client is booked.
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Enable integration with the Fakturownia accounting system to invoice sold appointments automatically when payment from the client is booked.
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