
Learn some hidden gems of Zencal!

In this section you'll learn all about your next favourite scheduling tool. Explore the help topics and videos you can go back to anytime. Some tips & tricks will also help you get the maximum conversions from your meetings!

Welcome to Zencal

We are so happy that you are with us and you want to set Zen feeling to your meetings scheduling process. Always when new users came to us we feel like a Pandas 🐼  in the bamboo forest - just amazing.

In this article, we want to bring you closer to how Zencal works and we will do our best to show you how many advantages we got for you.

Zencal from above

In Zencal we rely on two types of meetings: free and paid. Depending on what goal you want to achieve you have to choose one of them. However, regardless of your choice, from the perspective of people who want to meet you, it looks the same. The only difference is that your clients must pay for paid meetings before we confirm it.

So how the process looks like?

Your client receives a link to the scheduling page. You can send this link via mail or using the invitation feature in-app. On this page, you can describe the meeting topic, and set the duration and the price.

The client can choose the best date. He can even compare his availability with yours. It’s just one click to do that. After the date is chosen your client can fill in his data or if we got it we will do that automatically. The last thing your client must do is to choose the payment method (if the meeting is paid) or just confirm the meeting (if the meeting is free).

If your meeting is paid we will confirm it after we receive a report from the payment gateway that your money is safe. Otherwise, you can choose if your client must confirm the meeting by clicking a confirmation link from the email we will send to him or it should be confirmed automatically.

When your account has integration with an accounting system, we also collect information and invoice data from your client. This allows us to send the necessary information to your accounting system and make an automatic invoice.

What's next?

If you defined the meeting topic as online we will generate a proper link to your meeting and then we will send it to you and the participant via mail. It’s now everything. For every meeting topic, you can define your own notifications, sends after or before the meeting. It can be the email or SMS and after the meeting is confirmed we put your notifications in the queue to send it as you defined in the configuration.

Zencal for teams

Do you work in a team? Don’t worry you can create many of them. Each team has its own landing page where we list all meeting topics defined for the team. You can also run dedicated integrations for every team and it’s independent, unrelated to your personal account’s integrations.

You can invite your co-workers to the team. If you do that you will be able to assign them to every meeting topic in the team. In the meeting topic, each team member can be assigned to one of the following roles:

  • Organizer - your clients will be able to choose one of them and schedule a meeting based on their availability.
  • Optional co-host - all team members defined as optional co-hosts will be notified about every scheduled meeting but their availability doesn’t matter in the scheduling process.
  • Required co-hosts - these users will be notified about every scheduled meeting but your clients can’t choose them independently. They are related to the chosen organizer.

More and more

We work hard to provide you with the best scheduling tool. If you are one of our users you will be notified about every new feature that we deliver. Remember the people are extremely important to us. If you have any questions please leave us a message on chat or send an email at